Following on from her acclaimed previous work “The Spirits of Cairn”, Shinobu Soejima returns with a new animated short titled “House Rattler”.
I had the opportunity to write the score to the film, which will be premiered at Tokyo University of the Arts’ animation faculty graduation exhibition GEIDAI ANIMATION 10 SKIN, beginning this Saturday February 9 in Yokohama, and Saturday March 2 in Tokyo.
For times and further details, check the website below.
東京藝術大学映像研究科アニメーション専攻の卒業制作上映会、「GEIDAI ANIMATION 10 SKIN」にて初上映されます。開催期間は2つありまして、最初の開催の横浜会場での上映は2月9日(土)から始まります。