photo by Kim Marcelo
Marty Hicks is a Tokyo-based pianist, composer and sound designer from Melbourne, Australia.
A graduate of the jazz improvisation course at The University of Melbourne (Faculty of the VCA), Marty became a MEXT scholar in 2015 and entered into a Masters course at Tokyo University of the Arts, where he majored in composition for film, animation and various media projects.
Marty's musical inclination falls somewhere between the organic and the artificial - his work extensively features layers of warm electronic sounds and soft computer noise alongside acoustic instruments and environmental sonic material taken from the natural landscape.
An active member of the Tokyo arts and music community, his work as a solo musician has culminated in acclaimed album releases on record labels both inside and outside Japan, and as a composer & sound designer his work encompasses music and sound for film, commercials, sonic branding, and art installations, as well as collaborative projects with dancers, painters, and animators.
Marty currently lectures in the Music Design faculty at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.
洗足学園音楽大学 音楽・音響デザインコースにて専任教員を務む。
日本を拠点にジャズライブから電子音楽の制作まで、幅広く音楽活動を行っている。『Olreilion』『The Elia Passages』(2019年)他、オリジナルアルバムを国内・海外のレーベルでリリースし、多数のコラボレーションアルバムにも参加。音楽作品では昔日を呼び起こすようなアナログな音素材や、環境音を用いたサウンドスケープなどを取り入れながら、ピアノと電子音による穏やかな音響空間を作り出すのが特徴。