Live events in March

Here is some (belated) updates on some upcoming events I’ll be participating in this month.

Next week on Wednesday March 29th I'll be doing a short talk on sound studies for Y+L Projects's Y+L Invites series. These are always fun communal events and I'm really excited to be doing one.

There is a slight cap on attendees so if you're coming along please fill out the form below.

3月29日にY+L Projects主宰のイベントで音と作曲について話します。英語になりますが、様々な国からのクリエイターたちが気軽に集まって交流するイベントなのでぜひ遊びに来てください。




Attendance form:

I’ll be performing a solo set at this event on March 31 at Forestlimit.

Human Electric

2023.3.31 @Forestlimit

2500 yen + one drink order

open 18:00

18:30 Hiroshi Murakami 村上 裕 

19:00 Marty Hicks

19:40 Fu Sakai

20:20 Sam Stoker 

21:00 EMB & Sage Morei

21:40 Momose Yasunaga

22:20 special session

23:00 〜close Autumn Rice Field