一年次作品のプログラムAの中、関口和希の『死ぬほどつまらない映画』と、第八期生修了作品の中から井上幸次郎の『Opening Sesame』は僕が音楽やってました。(詳細:http://animation.geidai.ac.jp/08zoom/works/index.html)
Two animation films I had the pleasure of writing the music for - Kazuki Sekiguchi's "Self-Honest Me" and Koujiro Inoue's "Opening Sesame" - are being premiered in two different places, starting with Yokohama this Friday and Cinema Eurospace in Shibuya from next Saturday 11th, as part of their graduation exhibition.
It's an extremely rare chance to see a bunch of animated shorts of this exceptionally high standard in such high quality cinema establishments, and a limited run of DVD pressings means they'll likely be difficult to see in future, so I would highly recommend coming down to check them out. For everyone wondering what I've been so busy with over the past few months, this is it.
English subtitles are shown as well so even if Nihongo is a no go you're good to go.