Pleased as punch to play the part of composer for a new short film by director Mariona Lloreta, A Lua Nunca Morre (The Moon Never Dies).
For my US-based friends, keep an eye out for it at your local film festivals!
SONO Vol. 4|出演決定
Super stoked to be featured alongside an amazing lineup that includes LLLL : フォーエル, Noah, Daisuke Tanabe and submerse for the 4th installment of SONO.
Hope to see you down at Omotesando Polygon on August 11, from 5pm!
大好きなイベントSONOの第4回目、出演させていただくことになりました。他にLLLL、noah、daisuke tanabe、Submerseなども出演予定でマジで豪華なラインアップ。どうかお見逃しなく。
Shinobu Soejima's incredibly beautiful animation "The Spirits of Cairn" is currently on display at the Heisei Memorial Museum of Art until the 7th of July.
The music I wrote for it is also available for purchase on a homemade CD soundtrack, for sale only at the exhibition.
ピアニストMarty HicksとヴォーカリストGeorgie Darvidis、豪メルボルン発の音楽ユニット「MOONCALF」はついに来日!
(english below)
今回、メルボルン出身の作曲家・サウンドアーティストTilman Robinsonによるゲスト演奏もあります。
19:30 開場 ・ 20:00 開演
MOONCALF has finally landed in Tokyo, for a one night performance on Thursday May 24th, at Shicho-shitsu in Jimbocho!
A project I have been pouring my heart into since the release of our first album in 2013, I'm beyond excited to welcome vocalist Georgie Darvidis to Tokyo and perform this music with her.
Featuring as guest performer, a special set by musician & sound artist Tilman Robinson.
About the project:
"Mooncalf" is a 45-minute work for piano and voice. A treatise on the beauty of imperfection, impermanence and fragility, the work draws on a multitude of influences spanning literature, film and history.
Revelling in the moments in music that would normally be discreetly shifted aside - such as audible breaths, extraneous noises, cracks in the voice, and the rustling of material and machine inside the piano - "Mooncalf" heralds these as sounds sharing the same value and beauty as the notes that are a product of them, celebrating the inescapable humanity, and inherent imperfection, in making music.
doors at 7:30pm - music starts at 8:00pm
¥2000 + 1 drink
ticket bookings through the Shicho-shitsu website:
or email/pm me and I'll book for you!!
SENJU LAB 作品上演会「美術と音楽をアートする」にて出品
Notate with Nerve, a project I've been involved with centered around the coming together of artists, designers and musicians to create graphic scores inspired by the circulatory system, will present a program of works at the Senju Lab concert at Keyaki Hall on Wednesday March 21. The program will feature 'acoustic' versions of pieces composed as part of the project - for this concert I've arranged my work "Concerning the Ordinariness of Our Circumvolutions" for piano and string quartet - plus a new, exclusive work by workshop leader Akira Senju (the composer of FMA: Brotherhood, amongst other things).
Doors open at 3:30pm, it's a public holiday, and it's free - what could possibly go wrong?
僕が去年から参加させていただいてる企画「Notate with Nerve」は、3/21の千住ラボ上演会にて11曲を発表します。
去年のと違って今回は作曲家たちが大勢の奏者を活かして豊かなパフォーマンスを披露する予定です。僕の作品「Concerning the Ordinariness of Our Circumvolutions」は、ピアノと弦楽四重奏に編曲しています。
時間:15:30展示開始・開場 16:00上演開始
会場:けやきホール 古賀政男音楽博物館
〒151-0064 東京都渋谷区上原3丁目6−12
Notate with Nerve 曲目
1. Notate with Nerve Part 1
for Fl,Hp
作曲:芳澤 奏
2. Reflection 〜Close your eyes and Listen to your heartbeats〜
for Vn, Va, Vc
作曲:中島 直樹
3. Kororokoro
for Hp, Fl, Vn
作曲:久保 哲朗
4. Cycle
for Fl, Fg, Female Chorus, Male Chorus
作曲:八木 遼太郎
5. Notate with Nerve Part 2
for Uilliean Pipes, Hp
作曲:芳澤 奏
6. My Bipolar Disorder
for Fl,Pf
作曲:永井 秀和
7. 22年と188日
for 口笛
作曲:青柳 呂武
8. Concerning the Ordinariness of Our Circumvolutions
for Pf, Vn, Va, Vc, Cb
9. CUE
for Pf, Fl, Vn,Perc
作曲:辻田 絢菜
10. そして海へ、星へ
for 笙、Vn、Vc、十七絃箏
作曲:足立 美緒
11. Notate with Nerve 13
for Pf,Fl, Fg, Cho [(2)Sop, (2)Alt, (2)Ten, (2)Bass], Hp, Pf, Vn, Va, Vc, Cb
作曲:千住 明
指揮:湯川 紘恵
Tokyo Geidai Animation Department Graduation Exhibition・東京藝術大学アニメーション専攻修了制作展
The annual graduation exhibition of Tokyo Geidai's animation department begins today! The first instalment is at the Yokohama Museum of Art, from today (Friday 2nd March) to Sunday (4th March). The next instalment will take place from the 21st until the 25th, at the Geidai campus in Ueno.
I wrote the music to two animations this time around - Kazuki Sekiguchi's "The Body Swap Center" and Nicolás Guarín León's "The Missing Shoelace".
Come check it out!
いよいよ本日3/2から開催される芸大アニメーション科の修了制作展。 今週末(3/4日まで)は横浜美術館で、3/21(水)から芸大の上野キャンパスで、2回の上映期間があります〜
今回は関口和希さんの「性格変更スクール」とグアリン・ニコラスの「The Missing Shoelace」の音楽を作曲しました。
Track feature on Headphone Commute
A track I wrote at the turning of the new year was featured by music blog Headphone Commute, who were nice enough to share the piece on Soundcloud as a Track Premiere.
The article posted on the Headphone Commute features a short piece of writing about my thoughts behind the creation of the track, so make sure to have a read after you've listened.
Thanks to all involved to helped make this happen!
I'm hoping to write some material for a new release this year, so stay tuned!
Graduation Work "dear alma: part 1 & 2" at Tokyo University of the Arts Senju Campus Graduation Exhibition・修士課程修了制作「dear alma: part 1 & 2」、東京藝術大学千住キャンパスの卒業展示会で出品
In 2017 I worked very hard on making a short video work that utilizes a 5-speaker surround sound system. From towards the end of 2016 until the middle of 2017 I shot footage on 'Single-8' 8mm film, using a camera i found at a market, and then spent a few months crafting sounds and music for it. It's called "dear alma", it's in 2 parts, and it features vocals by the incredible Akai Hirume and storytelling by my old pal Georgie Darvidis. You can see it during a very special set of screenings as part of the graduation exhibition of my uni department, Tokyo University of the Arts' Creativity of Music and Sound, from February 10th to 12th. All details in the link below (in Japanese, comment or PM me if you need English deets!).
hope to see you there.
2月10~12日、「東京藝術大学 音楽環境創造科/大学院 音楽音響創造・芸術環境創造 卒業制作・論文/修了制作・論文発表会」という凄まじい名前のある、うちの学科の卒業制作展示会にて映像作品「dear alma」を発表します。