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Mooncalf - Marty Hicks & Georgie Darvidis @ 神保町 試聴室

ピアニストMarty HicksとヴォーカリストGeorgie Darvidis、豪メルボルン発の音楽ユニット「MOONCALF」はついに来日!
(english below)


今回、メルボルン出身の作曲家・サウンドアーティストTilman Robinsonによるゲスト演奏もあります。

19:30 開場 ・ 20:00 開演



Georgie Darvidis(ジョージー・ダーヴィディス)
近頃、Chamber Made Opera Companyによるオリジナルオペラ作品「Permission to Speak」や、オーストラリアン・アート・オーケストラやRubiks Collectiveなど、多様なアンサンブルに携わる他、Bennetts Laneビッグバンドやペニー弦楽四重奏団などと共に作品制作に取り組んでいる。

Tilman Robinson(ティルマン・ロビンソン)

MOONCALF has finally landed in Tokyo, for a one night performance on Thursday May 24th, at Shicho-shitsu in Jimbocho!
A project I have been pouring my heart into since the release of our first album in 2013, I'm beyond excited to welcome vocalist Georgie Darvidis to Tokyo and perform this music with her.
Featuring as guest performer, a special set by musician & sound artist Tilman Robinson.

About the project:
"Mooncalf" is a 45-minute work for piano and voice. A treatise on the beauty of imperfection, impermanence and fragility, the work draws on a multitude of influences spanning literature, film and history. 

Revelling in the moments in music that would normally be discreetly shifted aside - such as audible breaths, extraneous noises, cracks in the voice, and the rustling of material and machine inside the piano - "Mooncalf" heralds these as sounds sharing the same value and beauty as the notes that are a product of them, celebrating the inescapable humanity, and inherent imperfection, in making music. 

"...totally captivating energy throughout...Darvidis and Hicks create a truly beautiful sound together. Full of subtle surprises, this is creative music with maturity and sophistication well beyond the years of its creators. 
A superb debut album." 
-Andrea Keller

"...a wonderful example of creative, beautiful music-making. No surprise here, for [Marty's] playing has always had a wonderful subtlety to it, as do his compositions. This recording is a fine example of these qualities. Listen." 
-Tony Gould

doors at 7:30pm - music starts at 8:00pm
¥2000 + 1 drink
ticket bookings through the Shicho-shitsu website:

or email/pm me and I'll book for you!!