ALTARS (2021)
directed by Mariona Lloreta
short filmUSA
The Ghost and the House of Truth (2019)
directed by Akin Omotoso
feature filmNigeria/South Africa
Tales of Silver City (2020)segment “Green”
written/directed by Kristina Borhes & Nazar Tymoshchuk
short filmScotland/UK
A Lua Nunca Morre (2018)(The Moon Never Dies)
short filmUSA/Brazil
Amenze, In Between Worlds (2016)
short filmUSA/Brazil/Nigeria
Blink in the Desert (2021)
directed by Shinobu Soejima監督・制作:副島しのぶ
animated short film・短編アニメーション映画
「ケアンの首達」(2018)(The Spirits of Cairn)
directed by Kazuki Sekiguchi監督:関口和希
「死ぬほどつまらない映画」(2017)(Self-Honest Me)
「Power Down」(2017)
directed by Marilou Soller
Tokyo University of the Arts x École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (ENSAD)
My Organs Lying on the Ground (2024)
「鬼とやなり」(2019)(House Rattler)
「Opening Sesame」(2017)
directed by Koujiro Inoue監督:井上幸次郎
Purchase DVD: AmazonDVD購入:アマゾン
「性格変更スクール」(2018)(The Body Swap Center)
「The Missing Shoelace」(2018)
directed by Nicolás Guarin監督:グアリン・ニコラ